Crystal Benefit
Because We Care
Crystal Benefits:
Healing crystals are becoming increasingly popular in recent times. Although there is no scientific proof to show that crystal healings works, more and more people are open to trying the possible benefits that crystals offer.
People use gemstones to balance energies and stay tuned with their body and mind. It is widely believed that certain crystals and stones hold high vibrational energy which can transmit this energy to you to restore and balance each individuals’ emotional, physical and spiritual energies.
About Chakra:
Chakras are originated from an old Sanskrit word meaning “wheel”. Chakra represents the 7 different centres of of energy. Each chakra is connected to one area of the body and emotional state. Each chakra can be balanced and healed by chakra crystals and stones.
Root Chakra: garnet, red coral, black tourmaline
Sacral Chakra: red agate, carnelian
Solar Plexus: citrine, tigers eye
Hearts Chakra: peridot, rose quartz, strawberry quartz
Throat Chakra: aquamarine, turquoise, blue lace agate
Third Eye Chakra: lapis Lazuli, azurite, sapphire
Crown Chakra: amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone, labradorite
1) Root Chakra: foundation & feeling of being grounded- safety
2) Sacral Chakra: our connection & ability to accept others & new experiences
3) Solar Plexus Chakra: our ability to be confident & in control of our lives
4) Heart Chakra: our ability to love
5) Throat Chakra: our ability to communicate
6) Third Eye Chakra: our ability to focus on and see the big picture
7) Crown Chakra: the highest chakra, represents the ability to be fully connected spiritually.
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